You are Looking... how can we help you?
Do you need to grow your team's knowledge of STEM?
Need a teambuilding exercise?
Need Activities for your students? Adult learning?
Consultation for 3D, drone or automation operations?
Call us 432.230.5830 or emai us at:
Interested in Afternoon Innovators?
We offer a more immersive opportunity for robotics with our program that we offer once a week.
Choose a time from :
Monday 4-4:45; 5-5:45; 6-6:45
Tuesday 4-4:45; 5-5:45
Thursday 4-4:45; 5-5:45
Students will work through levels of robotics and earn opportunities to print in 3D. Cost is $90 a month for all.
The new 2024/2025 school year!!
This spring we have a new 3 p.m. Thursday class and
our returners Wednesday session at 12:45 p.m.
Homeschool sessions are offered weekly with a 45-minute session each week. Cost is $78 per student and with a discount for one sibling. Use the link below to get your name on a list to be contacted.
The Gist
At Venture Robotics, we don't sell robots.
We sell knowledge, experience and the opportunity to grow confidence when working with technology.
Venture Robotics offers:
robotics and coding educational consulting; robotics education through school contracts, camps, homeschool sessions, Afternoon Innovators and more.
VENTURE 3D PRINTING is another service Venture Robotics provides. Our trained staff can print scaled-down version of your service equipment or concept designs. We also provide 3D Print training as well.
Watch our latest video
Call us today for your party or homeschool group
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Tell us when you might want a birthday event!
Drop in first name and birthdate of who might want to celebrate with a robot build!